We aren’t here to make magical claims about our TR3 product, we aren’t even going to point out that in 99% of field tests the TR3 product has far exceeded the expectations of the user, also aren’t going to mention the product on its own has been used to treat a multitude of cases where previously thousands of Rands were spent and failed.
What we will say is, Results speak for themselves, so we urge you to take a look at our before and after pictures on our Website https://3dsilverfog.co.za/antimicrobial-wound-care/ for Animals and https://3dsilverfog.co.za/human-application/ for Humans and make your own decision.
We would also point out our TR3 product is significantly less aggressive and more effective than many standard treatments available on the Veterinary and Human Markets, with a price point below competitors claiming to have a similar product.
With No Sting, No Smell, No Fuss and no Residual Chemicals our TR3 product is considered Eco, Human and Pet Friendly, the ideal product to combat against bactericide, fungicide & virucide and proven to eliminate some of those scary viruses we hear about in the media.
Combined with the above and the virtually unlimited applications across many sectors….we won’t make claims, we will just let you decide for yourself.